27 September 2008

Mini "Mozart" wows Asia


Born blind, Yoo Ye Eun was abandoned by her natural parents, and adopted by a childless couple who could not have children of their own.

Some times, we are given blessings in disguise but we choose to "see" only the surface and failed to see beyond that. There's beauty, ability, skills or talent inside each of us. We must have self-belief so as to make the best use of our talents and achieve our fullest potential.

In the above video, Ye Eun's adopted mother expressed her concern over her "handicap" but Ye Eun expressed no such self-doubt. She was born blind and does not know the meaning of her handicap.

It's like that in many of us. As children, we knew no fears. As we grew up, adults, including our well-meaning parents and teachers, or some bad experiences, might plant these self-doubts and fears in us.

FEAR is basically False Expectations Appearing Real.

Winners never quit, quitters never win.

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