12 July 2008

Down Memory Lane

I came across this article from "The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas", compiled and published under the aegis of the Chinese Heritage Centre which was set up in Singapore in 1995. I had borrowed this encyclopedia from the National Library.

I was "proud" to learn I had shared the same alma mater, St Thomas's Secondary School with the late Mr Wee Kheng Chiang, reputedly the richest man in Sarawak, if not the region, in his lifetime. I remembered my uncle mentioning his name to me, as a child, when we passed by his mansion, sited on top of a hill in Kuching.

I remember my primary and secondary school with much fondness. Unfortunately, during my latter years in St Thomas's Secondary School, the standard of education dropped drastically when it became politically imperative for the principals of government and government-aided schools in Malaysia to be a bumiputera under the New Economic Policy, introduced in the aftermath of the May 13 1969 racial riots in Malaysia. I still remember the expat principal Mr Nigel Heyward from New Zealand (or was it Tasmania?) who had served the school with distinction.

I was much heartened when one of my best friends and classmate, Chee Sun, assured me that the high standard has been restored since then, and St Thomas's Secondary School is again a premier school in Sarawak. :)


Stanley said...

Yes,most of us fond memories of our school days.Although much time has passed,I can still remember some faces,smiles,and also the attendant joys and disappoinments of schooling.

Just seen on TV this week,an interview with a director of a newly listed firm.He was my close classmate forty years ago.

How time flies.Although,and alas, we now lead different lives and may never meet again;the vivid memories still linger on.


Kevin Ee said...

Well, Stan, in this wonderful internet-connected world, you can always google your ex-classmate's name and I am sure you can find his contact no. or even email address.

You can take charge, make the 1st call, get together to reminisce and have a good laugh. Who knows? It may lead to more happy hours. ;)